Whoqol-100 versão em português pdf

Por favor, tenha em mente seus valores, aspiraes, prazeres e preocupaes. This paper describes the development of the european portuguese version of the whoqol100, according to the methodology recommended by the who. Who the world health organization quality of life whoqol. Manual do who disability assessment schedule whodas 2. A versao em portugues do whoqol 100 foi discutida em. Os instrumentos whoqol estao atualmente disponiveis em 20 idiomas. Mar 02, 2014 fleck mpa, louzada s, xavier m, chachamovich e, vieira g, santos l, et al. Vida da organizacao mundial da saude versao abreviada. O estudo da versao em portugues do brasil zimpel, 2003. For a more detailed explanation of this analysis, the reader is referred to the whoqol group 1998.

Pdf aplicacao da versao em portugues do instrumento. Application of the portuguese version of the abbreviated. In the 90s, the world health organization who has developed, crossculturally, two generic instruments to assess the quality of life whoqol 100 and whoqolbref. Health organization quality of life whoqol100 um dos mais. All domain scores relating to the whoqol 100 in the present paper calculate domains based on a four domain structure, although for the time being whoqol 100 data reported elsewhere will continue with the six domain structure. Scielo saude publica aplicacao da versao em portugues do. The field trial of the portuguese version of the instrument is presented. Development and psychometric properties of the world. Este dominio, na versao generica original whoqol100 e avaliado por quatro. Scielo saude publica development and validation of the. Este dominio, na versao generica original whoqol 100 e avaliado por quatro questoes, porem, segundo fleck, borges, bolognesi e rocha 2003, p. The need of short instruments to evaluate quality of life determines world health organization quality of life group whoqol group to develop an abbreviated version of the whoqol 100, the whoqolbref.

O dominio srpb spirituality, religiousness and personal. Pdf desenvolvimento da versao em portugues do instrumento. At the beginning of the 1990s, the world health organization who developed a project in order to create a crosscultural instrument of quality of life assessment. A versao em portugues do whoqol100 foi discutida em. Development of the world health organization whoqolbref quality of life assessment volume 28 issue 3. Estudos psicometricos da versao em portugues europeu do. Cutoff point for whoqolbref as a measure of quality of life. Whoqol 100 e estao descritos detalhadamente em outra publicacao. Adaptations have been developed for people with hiv whoqol hiv and an. Download free adobe acrobat reader dc software for your windows, mac os and android devices to view, print, and comment on pdf documents.

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